Boost Confidence at the Gym

Find Your Fabulous and Get Exercising

When you have not stepped foot in a gym in who knows how long, you probably aren’t going to burst through the doors and start pumping iron with the best of them with full body confidence. You may not be feeling confident about the way you look and it can be intimidating to be in such an unfamiliar environment. The machines resemble torture devices you read about in history class, you do not know the proper etiquette and ‘rules’, and you’re surrounded by people who do seem to know. But having low confidence in the gym means you won’t be pushing yourself to your full potential.

There are all kinds of gyms out there, so don’t just settle for the first gym you step foot in.

Do your research and visit gyms of differing sizes and styles. Choosing a gym best suited for you can mean a huge difference in your workout potential. There are women-only or men-only gyms, or even gyms and athletic clubs with a specific religious affiliation.

Pay attention to the hours they are open compared to when you’d like to visit, the facilities available, and the all-around atmosphere.

If you feel like you are in a positive environment, you are far more likely to get results from your experience at the gym. You don’t have to go into this new adventure on your own.

Find a friend or group of friends to go along with you to the gym.

Having someone by your side during your fitness and weight loss journey will help you to motivate one another and push you to reach your goals.

Look at the classes being offered at your gym, and try something new.

Group classes are filled with people of all backgrounds and sizes and the group setting helps to motivate.

Take advantage of any free training sessions your gym may offer.

Learning how to use the various machines using proper form and technique will help you to boost your self-image.

Add to your confidence by purchasing a good set of gym clothes.

Just like having a new outfit gives you a boost and helps you to walk with better posture, having a good gym outfit will help you to feel confident during your workouts. If you view yourself as someone who is serious about exercise, you will be more likely to push yourself to fulfill the view you have of yourself.

Have a plan for each workout and don’t allow yourself to leave until you have done what you set out to do.

You shouldn’t worry about how you may look to others; everyone is concentrating on their own workout. Simply focus on your body and what you need to do to achieve results. But that is generally easier said than done. So if you’re still not feeling confident, you can go to the gym when there are fewer people around. Many gyms are busy during early morning, lunch time, and after work. Going to the gym during mid-afternoon or late at night will help to avoid the large crowds.

Joining the gym isn’t necessary to get a great workout, but there are many potential benefits. Try and figure out what it is exactly that makes you feel uncomfortable. Knowing what you are worried about will help you to know where to start in order to solve them. There is no rule that you must interact with anyone at the gym. Keep your expectations realistic and don’t expect your body to look like those of the seasoned gym rats right away. It’s a process and your confidence will grow with each visit.

Image Credit: photostock /

Olivia is a full time worker and a full time mom. She loves to read, travel and take naps. She also works full time from home and manages HerbalifeReviews