
Gratitude Box

Kids are losing touch with nature. These days, many children have less time and fewer opportunities to connect with nature. This is a real loss, because research shows that contact with nature makes kids feel better about themselves. 

Fun Activity: Make a Gratitude Box

Decorate a small box with your children (draw, paste, paint images of nature), and go outside together once a week, so that your kids can collect something in nature that they feel grateful for. It's a great way to get kids outside, reconnecting with The Great Outdoors. Talk about the item (for example: a leaf, shell, rock, pine cone, anything that can fit in the box). What is it? Why do you like it? Why are you thankful for it? Once inside, let the kids keep their item in their Gratitude Box. Repeat every week, and soon their box will be filled with their nature treasures and their hearts filled with gratitude for the wonders of nature.