Some Like It Raw

Healthy Food Options

My kids love raw veggies but one day I decided to try a new recipe of mixed vegetables cooked in balsamic vinegar.  To get them involved, I planned to use vegetables from our garden and let the kids help chop them up. They love to use knives. The bigger the better in their opinion.

I was nervous, but they have to learn sometime and are always more willing to try food if they helped to prepare it.

We used tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, and onions. I poured some balsamic vinegar and olive oil over the whole thing. Then we popped it in the oven baked it till tender.

Still hot from the oven, we sprinkled some parmesan cheese on top and ate it with whole wheat pita bread and chicken tenders. I thought it was good but the kids had a different view. Here were the comments from the peanut gallery:

 “I think I'm going to throw up.”

“I'll close my eyes and pretend it's a hot dog.”

“It doesn't look as good as the one on the paper.” (she meant the recipe in the cookbook looked better)

“Not too bad, but it smells better than it looks.”

“I don't have to eat it since I ate Pizza at Ben's birthday party.”

While I will still do everything I can to serve up vegetables in all their forms, for now I think they prefer their vegetables raw to cooked ones. And that's OK.

But they'll still be getting both until they learn to like them every way!

As a graduate of health education, Amy Roskelley is doing everything she can to convince her kids that eating more fruits and vegetables is a benefit to them, rather than a curse!