Food Porn Doesn’t Feed Anyone

My Hubby and I Have a Recipe Fetish. We Call it Food Porn.

My husband and I have a recipe fetish. We read them all, contemplate, salivate… We call it food porn. And then we are suddenly brought back to earth, remembering we have kids who have different ideas about what is edible.

There are so many delicious looking recipes out there but here is the thing: better, faster, healthier, prettier, easier and more economical recipes will not get dinner on my table. The only thing that actually works for getting meals, to the right people, is planning.

The notion of “planning” and “organization” stress many people. Yet failing a magic wand, a personal chef, or a constant serving of sketchy convenience foods, the only way decent meals are going to happen is to be organized and to plan ahead. Organized does not mean you must viciously defend your labeling tool or prepare your grocery list 3 weeks in advance. It just means you think about what needs to happen…before you have to start doing it urgently. The result is that meals don’t feel like a nasty surprise every single day. And you will eat better, but that’s another story.

Before dinner happens to you yet again, think about tools and time. Do you have good and comfortable peelers, knives, etc.? Are the appliances you have the ones you need? Do you know how to use them as efficiently as possible?

Next have a look at your time. If you have the time to cook, decide when you are going to be in the kitchen. Hint– it doesn’t have to just before mealtimes. If you have no time or interest in all things kitchen, consider other options: delivery services, personal chefs, and quality prepared foods. No matter how you do it, you should enjoy your meals.

Once you have done your tools and time assessment then you can start looking at food porn with a purpose. You will know now whether time will allow you to make a particular recipe. Your mind will be at ease because you will be prepared and organized. The fear of dinner and lunch won’t be lurking around every corner.

The stress of making dinner and lunches sells a lot recipes and stuff. Being organized does not cost money. Invest a bit of time with a pen and paper to see where you need to focus. If you need help to do this, call me for a free 30 minute telephone consultation. Anne Bergman, Your Kitchen Coach. 416 767 1031 [email protected]

Anne Bergman is Your Kitchen Coach.  She works with brave and motivated women in their kitchens to save time, money and sanity.  [email protected]