Dreaming of a Personal Chef

I Have a Secret—Lean in Close So I Can Whisper It

I have a secret.  Lean in close so I can whisper it: I am insanely jealous of Jennifer Aniston.  Not because of her beauty, or fame, or the fact that she dated Vince Vaughn, who surely must be a blast to go out with.  No, I’m jealous because of an article I read that featured her and her personal chefs.

It is a dream of mine to have a personal chef.  In the unlikely event of my attaining obscene wealth, the very first thing I would do is hire a personal chef.  Well, maybe it would be the second thing, right after doing some kind of charitable work or going shopping.  But really, the luxury of having someone cook for me – food that I like, even – is for me the ultimate dream.   

It’s not that I don’t like to cook.  It’s just that I cook the same meals over and over, because I know that my children will eat them, and frankly, I’m bored of them.  Occasionally I think about branching out and experimenting with a new recipe, but the thought of expending time and effort on a meal that will – most likely – be eschewed by my children is depressing, to say the least.  I’d rather stick to the tried and true.

I know other moms can relate.  In theory, I believe in exposing my children to a wide range of different tastes and textures, but the reality is I just want them to eat.  They do eat from all four food groups, they just eat the same things from all four food groups, repeatedly.

The other day I did branch out – I made a glorious roasted tomato sauce.  I oven roasted tomatoes with garlic, herbs, and olive oil, then served the sauce with spaghetti, parmesan cheese, crudités, and buttered toast.  It was truly delicious.

“Mom, this is the best dinner ever.  You’re a really good cook,” my five year old raved.

I smiled warmly, and then looked over at his plate.  Here’s what I saw: slices of red pepper, buttered toast, and spaghetti.  Naked spaghetti.  No sauce.

Well, at least I enjoyed it.  Meanwhile, I will continue to dream about a personal chef to pamper me with homemade guacamole and gazpacho, like Jennifer Aniston.  While I’m at it, maybe I’ll fantasize about a personal massage therapist as well.  And Vince Vaughn in the background.  Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?

Nicole MacPherson is a quantitative analyst turned stay-at-home mom. She loves yoga, gardening, and red wine. She lives in Calgary with her husband, two sons, and male dog, and blogs about her testosterone-filled life at girlinaboyhouse.blogspot.com.