No I'm Not Pregnant, I'm a Food Blogger

The Comment That Motivated Me

So, when are you due?” she asked.

I stood there, shocked into silence staring at the numbers of the elevator change. 17, 16, 15…

Soon.” I mumbled.

12, 11, 10, the numbers couldn’t go down fast enough. I wanted off of that elevator and out of the building into the sunshine so I could put on my sunglasses and hide the fact my eyes were filling up with tears.

I had a baby 10 months ago. My third, my first boy, my handsome little man. I haven’t put a whole lot of effort into losing the baby weight, I’ll admit it; but to be asked if I was pregnant, by another mom, at a conference for women? It was just not something that I ever imagined being asked (who does that unless they’re 100% sure?).

In retrospect I should have said “I’m not, but thanks for pointing out that I need to lay off the ice cream.” so she would feel as bad as I did in that moment. But that’s just anger talking, and really, I wasn’t upset at her for asking, I’m angry at myself.

I’m a food blogger. I eat, sleep and breathe food. I cook with real butter (and lots of it), I make cakes, cookies and cupcakes almost daily. I experiment with all kinds of cooking methods and ingredients and cuisines. After my family, it’s my biggest passion. I try to limit my “taste-testing” to one or two cookies, or just a sliver of cake, but when you’re doing this every day, and temptation is all around the calories add up.

I know “food blogger” doesn’t automatically equal being overweight. There are a LOT of skinny chefs and bloggers out there; I’m not trying to blame the food. I know I need to spend less time editing photos and trolling the internet for inspiration and hit the treadmill. I know HOW to lose weight; I just haven’t put aside any time to do it.

After that comment on the elevator, and seeing pictures from that weekend trip, I know I’m now motivated to begin the process. I know I’m ready to make some changes. I’m going to try to incorporate more health-conscious meals and recipes into my “must-try” list for my blog, and I’m going to get out of my kitchen more and out into the fresh air for exercise. However, while I intend to try to become healthier, I refuse to give up the thing that makes me truly happy: cooking.

I’m going to give it my best shot. I may or may not ever reach my goal weight, but I’ve decided that’s okay. Cupcakes put a smile on my face, a delicious cookie experiment that’s a success puts a bounce in my step, and sharing yummy recipes with my readers gives me a great sense of accomplishment. If the price I have to pay for that kind of happiness is that I never wriggle into a pair of size 4 jeans, so be it.

Giving up butter just isn’t worth it.

Amanda is a happily married, 30-something, stay-at-home mother of two girls (5 and 2.5) and a boy (10 months). An award-winning Graphic Designer in her former life, she abandoned it all for bottles and diapers and sticky kisses. Amanda dreams of being June Cleaver but most days she’s more like Roseanne Connor. Harbouring a secret desire to be on the Food Network, Amanda set out to create a blog as an excuse to do a whole lot of experimental baking and cooking. Chocolate calls her name more often than not and her recipes have been known to cause food-gasms.

If you’re looking for a gourmet foodie you’re looking in the wrong place, Amanda focuses on family-friendly fare and of course the stuff that make moms sit up and say “This is better than… shoes… sex… Brad Pitt!” You can check her out at and at