5 Reasons to Love the "Terrible Twos"

Handful? Or rewarding experience?

Reasons to love toddlers

Parents always talk about the “terrible twos” as being the hardest stage of childrearing. While two-year-olds are certainly a handful, the toddler stage can also be one of the most rewarding times for a parent. Here’s why:

They start talking

That tiny toddler voice, that adorable mix of real words and gibberish – what’s not to love? It’s also very helpful because it means that with a growing vocabulary, your child will finally be able to verbalize what he needs and how he’s feeling. Most babies start producing speech-like sounds around seven months, but it’s just babbling.

They learn new things every day

Sure, newborns are learning new things every day too, but it’s a lot less noticeable, especially since newborn babies sleep so much. Every time your toddler learns a new word, identifies a new color, or counts to a higher number, it’s fascinating to watch and will fill you with pride.

They start to develop a personality

As children learn, they become more self-aware. With each new experience, your two-year-old will develop individual thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes. It’s absolutely astounding to see a child develop into her own person with strengths, passions, and adorable quirks, and it certainly makes dealing with the terrible twos behavior a lot easier.

They’re creative

Two-year-olds have their own unique way of looking at life. It’s a valuable perspective that we tend to lose as we get older. They lack inhibition and are teeming with raw creativity. If you leave them unsupervised, that curiosity and creative nature can lead to some pretty nasty messes (marker on the walls, Play-Doh in your shoes, etc.), but with a safe “free creativity space” and a little help from Mom or Dad, your little Picasso will be able to express himself freely without causing too much damage.

They’re helpful

A lot of that terrible twos behavior stems from a desire to learn, grow, and become self-sufficient. Two-year-olds believe that they can do everything by themselves, and while they usually can’t, it’s never healthy for a parent to stifle that independent nature. To nurture that self-sufficient spirit in a productive way, parents can encourage their toddler to help them with their chores around the house. If you’re folding laundry, give him a small pile of clothes to “fold.” If you’re sweeping the floor, let him follow you with a mini broom.

When it comes to the terrible twos behavior, the struggle is real. However, toddlers aren’t just mess-making monsters, they are also bundles of love and truly fascinating creatures. What do you love most about the toddler stage? Let us know in the comments section!

 RELATED: Terrible Twos and Permanent Marker

LouAnn is pursuing a Master's Degree in creative writing while she works on a graphic novel. When she has a rare moment of free time, she loves to write about social issues like body positivity, parenting, and mental health.