This Is What Every Parent Needs to Survive Toddlerhood

Having kids isn't for sissies. Here's over 20 articles that will help you survive the vagaries of the toddler years.

Having kids isn't for sissies. By the end of your first five years (we like to call this boot camp), you will be able to pack like a champ, change the grossest diaper without batting an eye, and simultaneously carry a 70 pound diaper bag and a screaming 30 pound toddler on a 3 hour hike through the crowded wilderness of Disney Land in 30+ degree heat. But we all have our dark days... days where we'd like to be able to ring the darned bell and call it quits.

Except, unlike in Hell Week, there is no bell. So we have to go find other parents who can give us sympathy, tips, tricks, and hilarity we need to survive.