Delivering Meals to New Mums

After the birth of my first son Ethan, I didn't have the usual network of doting family members to help out and cook me some much-needed meals.

Like most of today's families, my relatives are scattered across the globe. So while my living room was filled with pretty bouquets of flowers, my fridge sat empty.

No family, no nanny, no energy, my husband and I did what most new parents do - we ordered take-out. Sure it was a quick solution, but it had a painful conclusion. After we ate, we both felt tired and heavy, and worse, our newborn son was up the entire night screaming with horrible gas pains - who knew what I ate would get into my breast milk, and seriously upset the baby?

That's when it hit me: Wouldn't it be wonderful if people sent healthy (breastfeeding-friendly) catered meals as a gift to new parents instead of flowers? Thus, mamaluv was born!

Ironically, giving “birth” to a new company has not been that different from raising my children. There have been many sleepless nights, non-stop feedings (of cash), lots and lots of “poop,” to deal with, and - of course, endless rewarding moment that make it all worthwhile.

What started as a useful gift-idea for new parents, slowly turned into a helpful gift for people undergoing chemotherapy, or a thoughtful gift for someone who’s recently lost a loved-one. Some stories have lifted my soul, and some have left me sobbing at my desk. But at the end of the day, it’s so rewarding to know how little ol’ me, has been able to make so many people’s lives a little easier when they need it most.
Today, thanks to mamaluv, people can send friends and loved-ones a helping hand from anywhere in the world to anyone in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia – and soon, hopefully, the world!
So how do I raise 2 kids, run a busy company, and cook all those meals? I don’t. As good as I am in the kitchen, I knew I could never find time to do it all, and keep my sanity. The solution? I have aligned myself with great chefs across the country.
This has not only been a time-saving solution for me, but an environment solution as well.  By having our meals produced and delivered locally, we’re significantly lowering our shipping costs, and our impact on the environment. Less shipping means less fuel emissions, less greenhouse gasses, and less impact on the Planet!
But mamaluv’s commitment to “Green” goes even farther than that. We provide customers with reusable gift-boxes and ribbon, and deliver all meals in eco-friendly gift-bags.
Heck, how can you have kids, and NOT be conscious of the environment? Of course I did my part before, but now as business owner, I feel I have a duty – not only to my children, but all children!
It’s funny, if someone told me 6 years ago that today I would be caring for two young kids and running a company, I would have said they were nuts.  But now that I’m here, actually doing it, I can’t imagine NOT doing it.
Has it been tough? Yes. Has it been worth it? Of course. Would I recommend it? Some days yes, some days no. Ultimately, if you have a passion, you owe it to yourself to follow it.  And if you’re scared – just remember: If you can be a Mom, you can be anything!


Tracy Goodson-Mackay has never been one to shy-away from a challenge. First, it was landing the “hunky” New Zealand Jet-ski instructor in Greece that everyone said was “non-committal.” Then, there was 12 hours of childbirth sans epidural (which, truthfully be told, was not by choice). And then, when the idea of starting mamaluv was shot down by family and friends who said she already had too much on her plate taking care of two young kids, Tracy thought, “Bring it on!”

Two years and 4 cities later, Tracy & mamaluv are going strong. Tired, but strong!

Since mamaluv’s opening in September 2007, Tracy has won Montreal’s Women’s Entrepreneurship Challenge 2008 (Commerce), the company (and Tracy) have been featured on several Radio & Television programs, and have been highlighted in numerous popular magazines, including Elle Quebec and Ricardo.

Next on Tracy’s list? Bringing mamaluv to the world! A big task? Bring it on!