As yummy mummies, we all experience unconditional love. A mother’s love for her children is so deep and strong that no other love can compare. A close second is the passionate ’in this together’ love bond we forge with our husbands. The love of our children and our husbands is enough for any Yummy Mummy, but I want to explore the lesser loves. The ‘demi-loves’ in many of our lives that don’t get the recognition they deserve:
The Unrequited LoveAt the age of nine I fell madly in love with a boy in my class. Andy was everything a nine year old girl could want-funny, a natural at dodge ball, great at fractions, and he had the most amazing soft brown curls...sigh...sadly the love was unrequited and he never gave me a second glance. Even after I had my friend pass him a note with the standard: ’Do you like Lillian?’ With two boxes for him to choose: ‘Yes’ ‘No’. Ever the diplomat he sent it back with a new box ‘No Comment’. The love fizzled out shortly thereafter.
I think we have all fallen in love with a man that did not share our ardour. It could have been a secret crush (that cute guy on the 4th floor) or a not so secret one (the time you professed your love to your guy friend and he took a step back and gave you that embarrassed look-yikes). I think every mummy should have had at least one unrequited love in her life. It keeps us humble and makes us realize that we will survive even if our passions are not returned.
The Friends-like-Sisters LoveLucky is the woman who finds a friend close enough to tell her she is being an idiot when she has had too much wine, or that those pants DO make her butt look big. To be as close as sisters with a friend means that your love is so deep that you can be honest and open without the fear that your friend will ‘take her ball and go home’. It’s a liberating experience to have a girlfriend who can see you naked and not judge you on the amount of cellulite that has hitched a ride on your thighs. These friends are truly on your side. Plus, they will never flirt with your husband.
The Special Interest Group LoveIt may be the life cycles of earthworms that hold your passion, or a book club, or amateur astronomy, but if you find a group of people who can go on and on about something that you are passionate about then you have found a place to call home. To have that delicious camaraderie with people who ‘get it’ about your passions can truly complete a person.
So enjoy this Valentine’s Day with your spouse and your children. But then take some time and think about the demi-loves of your life-maybe even send them a box of chocolates.