Why I Changed How I Talk To Myself About Myself

Tell Your Daughter What Beauty Means Before The World Tells Them

Why I Changed How I Talk To Myself About Myself

Raj doesn't want her young daughter to grow up with the same painful self-talk about self-image she held onto for so many years. Here is how she's making sure it doesn't happen.

Raj Thandi

Pink Chai Living

Since my daughter was born in 2007, I’ve tried to look at myself differently. I started experimenting with fashion, learned more about make-up, but perhaps most important; I started to write my truths and share my stories through my blog. The combination of inner and outer work has helped me feel better about myself most days, although some days I still relapse.

I view myself with pretty critical eyes some days, but I was intrigued to see how Zara views me, so I had her brother shoot this little video. I stayed far away from the area because I didn’t want to influence her answers in any way. Here’s how she answered the question “What do you think is beautiful about your mom?”

Click the read the rest of Raj's post and to see her daughter's video...


Visit our 'self-esteem resource page' for helpful info on how to talk with your daughter about real beauty and self-esteem.

We need you to be a part of the Dove mission to improve the self-esteem of over 15 million girls by 2015.

Raj runs a social media marketing agency, is a part-time photo stylist, and a wannabe lifestyle blogger. After work you she can usually be found cooking 'way too intricate for weeknights' meals, covered in glitter, or watching pre-teen television (or sports) with her two kids. Find her at PinkChaiLiving.com