What Makes YOU Beautiful Through The Eyes Of Your Child?

Beauty Really Is In the Eye of The Beholder

What Makes YOU Beautiful Through the Eyes of Your Child?

Nancy teaches her girls that what makes them beautiful is on the inside. Find out what other messages she sends to her daughters about beauty and self-esteem and what her eldest daughter thinks makes her mom beautiful.

Nancy Polanco

Whispered Inspirations

I've always had the personality that helped me to be comfortable with myself, no matter what. While I may no longer be a size 3 and I've entered my 30s, my perception of beauty has changed immensely. It is more natural and carries a deeper dimension to it now. When I was younger, I used to be more concerned about aesthetics and what was on the outside. While that is still important there's much more to what I think makes a woman beautiful now.

My daughter recorded what she thinks makes me, her mom, beautiful. Watching her honestly talk about how she sees me was remarkable. It brought tears to my eyes to hear that she spoke about other qualities besides the outward. Maybe, I am doing something right.

Click the read the rest of Nancy's post and to see her daughter's video...


Visit our 'self-esteem resource page' for helpful info on how to talk with your daughter about real beauty and self-esteem.

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I am a mother of two beautiful little girls who is passionate about life and sharing stories. I write about my experiences, offer tips and insight to make every day life easier. I also write about what people like, products that help them, things that entertain them and things they're talking about! Visit Whispered Inspirations to read product and service reviews, enter giveaways, try recipes and fashion and beauty tutorials, learn about travel destinations and much more!