From Stopped to Unstoppable

Unstoppable Moms For Unstoppable Girls

From Stopped To Unstoppable

We asked Canadian Writer and YMC Member Kerrie Mendoza to share what makes her an unstoppable mom. Read Kerrie’s story...

Kerrie Mendoza

Family, Food & Travel

My body has for many years been something that has held me back from doing the things I love or trying new things.

My mental fight with my body began when I was a teenager. I was a competitive rower, a proud, fit athlete.  I trained hard.  I was slim, fit and in many ways the ideal weight for my height and age.  Then, my coach changed my weight class for rowing and my world shifted.  I was now a ‘lightweight rower’ and needed to keep my weight beneath 125lbs. I was weighed in front of every rower in our team (boys and girls) and told “you need to lose a few pounds or we’ll be disqualified.”  It was the most hurtful moment of my life.  I was gutted emotionally, and mentally. In that one single moment all of the things I was proud of vanished away.  I saw myself as fat, food was the enemy and I feared the scale.

Read Kerrie’s full story here…

YMC is celebrating all of the Dove Unstoppable Moms for Unstoppable Girls contest winners!
Read more inspiring stories from the winners of the Dove Unstoppable Moms for Unstoppable Girls Contest and get great advice on how to raise your own Unstoppable Girl. Plus, download a special tool kit from Dove to teach the young girls in your life how to grow into strong, confident women.