
Dance Party Discipline

You know those days when your kids are literally bouncing off the walls? We all have them. My son, who is about to turn five, has taken to jumping off the cushions (often into the walls of our living room) on a regular basis. And some days, no matter how many times I ask, he will not sit still. That's when I turn to Carly Rae Jepsen for help. 

The solution? Kitchen dance party. I grab the baby, crank "Call Me Maybe" and we all dance. It entertains the baby and gets some of my big kid's wiggles out while at the same time preventing me from yelling or pondering duct taping him to the couch. A solid win, I'd say. 

Robin Farr is a woman, a writer, a wife, a runner, a communications professional, a speaker and a mom - chronologically, at least. She got mixed up philosophically during her struggle with postpartum depression but wrote her way out of it on her blog, Farewell, Stranger. That experience, and a lifelong habit of finding inspiration in even the bad things that happen to her, led her to a new motto: “Live the life you’re meant to.” She's now working on doing just that. You can find her on Twitter @FarewellStrangr or on Facebook.