My Daughter Likes Star Wars

And I Couldn't Be Happier!

Having daughters is definitely an amazing thing but there was one drawback to being outnumbered by the females in my house that never occurred to me pre-kids - trying to figure out when to sneak in my favourite movie up on the big screen.

Star Wars

When the day finally came and my oldest daughter asked if we could watch Star Wars together, I think a tear rolled down my cheek and my wife said she never saw a bigger smile on my face.

Having my daughter interested in something that I like is incredible. What's even more incredible is having her actually like Star Wars so much she wants to dress up as Princess Leia and go to the conventions to see everyone else  dressed up as the characters too. She has tried many a time to worm her way into watching the TV by cuddling up to me and in her sweetest voice asking to watch Star Wars. Never in my life did I think I would hear myself refusing to watch my favourite movie of all time, but with great power comes great responsibility, and so I find myself uttering the word no.

But as great as it is for her to love something that I love, the greatest smile that comes from me is when I see my daughter’s face light up when I play with her toys.

Just as she takes a liking to my interests it is just as important for me to get involved with her stuff. Not only does it help with our relationship but it helps to show her that she can like and play with whatever she wants without reservation and to not get boxed into “gender specific” hobbies. A lesson I hope she carries with her for the rest of her life.

Now only to get her to like hockey.


Jason Perrier runs a web design company focusing on small businesses, personal blogs and local musicians. In his past time he tries to keep tabs on his two daughters, a 1-year old and a 4-year old.