2017 Voices of Motherhood Winners

Motherhood is... many things. It is funny and traumatic, tiring and wonderful - sometimes all in one day! It is an experience like no other. Right?

This year we were excited to announce our fifth annual Voices of Motherhood writing contest. We asked moms from all over Canada to submit stories to tell us about their Canadian mothering experiences. 

Our judges had quite the task choosing only 10 winners from the collection of beautifully written stories submitted but they were up to the challenge. We now present the winners to you here, and hope you enjoy them as much as we did.


I’ve been up since 5:30am because an automated call woke me with two dreaded words: snow day. 
I solicited advice from mommy blogs and consulted scholarly journals. I thought this was going to be a piece of cake because I had it all figured out. 

Welcome to the pond, Froggy. We’re so glad you’ve made it. 
Parenting in Bear Country
You accept that there are risks but you also embrace the beauty and wonder that go along with them. Like motherhood. 

It hadn’t once occurred to me to look for a mug IN MY OWN NAME. 
For the moment, I have perfect peace and a wonderful bit of alone time. 
I always assumed that my version of motherhood would somehow resemble what I had come to know and love, similar to the tight-knit web of tenderness I'd known.
I arrived in Canada with two phone numbers in my contacts list - both of people I had never met.