15 Fun Things Your Teen Should Do This Summer

No More "I'm Bored": A Summer Bucket List for Teens

Summer Bucket List for Teens

Over the last few years bucket lists have become a fun way to record things you dream of doing.  This year, why not have your kids create a summer bucket list? This Summer Bucket List For Teens is a great springboard and a way to motivate your teens to do something other than beat that next level on their video game.  It can help them establish goals, and gives them an outlet for their creativity. 

Summer Bucket List For Teens


1. Put $500 in savings.  This is a great goal for teens to have so they can help pay for things like a car, vacation, school expenses or simply to learn the value of a dollar and how hard it is to come up with an extra $500.

2. Learn how to build an app for the app store. Check out the Code School for tons of free online coding classes.  Whether it is a game or informational app they develop, this is a great item to add to their college applications.

3. Volunteer for a community project. There are tons of community needs teens can help to fulfill.  From building homes with Habitat to Humanity, to feeding the homeless or visiting those in nursing homes the options are endless.

4. Visit a local historical landmark.  Your capital or a special landmark from when the country was settled are all great choices.

5. Learn how to balance a checking account and create a family budget. As teens get jobs and start earning money this is a great thing to learn for their future financial security.

6. Spend one day a week at the pool or beach. Of course this should be a goal for everyone.

7. Go to an outdoor concert.  Most communities will have some kind of outdoor concert and whether it is a great new band, or an orchestral performance, outdoor concerts can't be beat.

8. Ride a roller coaster at a new theme park.  Face your fears and get on that roller coaster with your teen to have a thrill of a lifetime.

9. Create a Youtube channel. Whether it is a video tutorial of makeup application, how to build a model airplane or a parody of the latest hit song, videos are tons of fun for teens to create and share.

10. Volunteer for a political campaign:  What better way to learn about the government than working on a political campaign?

11. Take an art class:  Paint, sculpture, pottery or cooking can all be classes in the arts that you can learn from.  

12. Take a picture a day and post to Tumblr or Instagram:  Document your summer with fun images of what you do each day.

13. Learn how to cook your favorite meal: Look up recipes and watch videos to help you master basic to advanced cooking skills.

14. Participate in a 5K:  Warrior Dash and Color Runs are both highly popular and tons of fun for teens.

15. Learn a new language: If you can't go to Europe for the summer, you can at least learn to speak French. Check out free tutorials online. 

A bucket list can be anything that a teen would want to accomplish and can be both fun and educational.  It includes things that teens need to learn, as well as things they may want to do and the joy of a bucket list is that you can add things to it every day as they come to mind.  Not everyone will get the chance to fly overseas, but many will be able to learn a new language of their favorite country.  

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