5 Romance Antiheroes You Can't Help But Love

the heart wants what the heart wants

You're meant to fall for the hero or antihero in a romance novel. It's kind of the point of the whole story. The author wants you to like the male lead character enough to want good things to happen to him so he can make good things happen for his leading lady. (No one ever said romance novels were heavy on feminist ideals.) But there are some romance books that, when you start reading them, you wonder how you'll ever fall for the guy, much less want him to end up with his girl. A good author will craft a story that makes you question everything you ever thought you wanted in a man, and these 5 romance books star the perfect unlikely heroes.


Angie Lynch is a Native Floridian without a tan, probably because she spends her days hard at work inside on the magical internet. For the past several years, Angie has worked way too hard at building clout as an influencer in food and margaritas as well as being a source for laughable pop culture commentary on her blog, A Whole Lot of Nothing. In addition to that nonsense, Angie recommends books on Smut Book Club, is a contributing writer to Mom.me, spreads the word of Awesome at We Know Awesome, and tries to be a very professional content creator for local business blogs. Stalk her properly on Twitter @alotofnothing and on Facebook.