Books That Just Didn't Live Up To The Hype

Don't Believe the hype—not everyone loved that book

by: YMC

When searching for the next great book to read, our bloggers read reviews, judge books by their covers, spend hours on goodreads, and of course, use social media. The best thing about our friends (and people we don't even know!) on Facebook and Twitter is that they will tell us the truth. They will tell us exactly what they loved about the last book ("Oh, you absolutely must read this book. Make sure you have lots and lots of tissues on hand, though!"), or what they absolutely could not stand ("I had to stop reading this one. Snoozefest!"), or what they just didn't think lived up to the hype. 

We asked our bookish bloggers for a little of their honesty. We wanted them to tell us the books that they just didn't think lived up to the hype; the ones that they really don't recommend. 

We want to hear from you. What books did *you* feel just didn't live up to the hype?
