You may or may not be the bookish type, but either way, couldn’t we all use a trip down the self-help isle every once in a while? Autumn tends to be a reflective month. We can gain a fresh new perspective and look at this season as a time for renewal, even if we're not the ones going back to school. For the past 3 years, one event I look forward to each Fall is the BlissDom Canada conference in Toronto. I relish the opportunity to get together with bloggers, meet with brands, and make connections with authors and publishers. I know how important it is for those of us who work in the social media field to have an outlet to network and develop our skills in a friendly and creative atmosphere. The BlissDom Canada conference is a wonderful opportunity for self-discovery. Self-help books can also help you navigate your way to whatever you define as success and attain happiness on your path to bliss. Here are a few books to consider if you're looking for a new purpose and hopefully they will help to lead you in a blissful direction!
The Creativity Cure By Carrie Barron and Alton Barron
Is stress the bane of your existence? Are you a hands-on kind of person? THE CREATIVE CURE could be your answer with its "Do-It-Yourself Prescription for Happiness" and a "Five-Part Plan to Build Happiness and Alleviate Stress". Wife-and-husband physicians Carrie and Alton Barron have channeled creativity to improve the lives of their patients and their own lives. Carrie encourages writing and meditation. Alton emphasized exercise and physical exploration. Developing these skills can lead to long-term happiness and well-being. This book is a wonderful resource for anyone seeking a personal and/or relationship transformation. Aside from this, it might be interesting to note that the word "stressed" is just the word "desserts" spelled backwards, so a temporary fix could be a piece of cake!
Ascent of Woman by Sally Armstrong
If Helen Reddy's lyrics "I am woman, hear me roar!" speak to you, I recommend you check out ASCENT OF WOMEN by Sally Armstrong. Coming from a background in anthropology and ethnographic studies I find this to be a compelling read. Armstrong tackles women's rights all over the globe and suggests that women fight oppression and overcome obstacles by having control over their collective bodies. Armstrong says this is the key to economic justice and the answer to ending violence in developing countries. Armstrong travelled to war torn areas to champion the cause for women. ASCENT OF WOMEN shares the journeys from brave and inspiring women and girl activists and revolutionaries from all around the world. Do you remember that Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox song "Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves"? It's all about girl power people!
The Gift of Adversity: The Unexpected Benefits of Life’s Difficulties, Setbacks, and Imperfections By Norman E. Rosenthal M.D.
Does life have a habit of handing you lemons? Adversity is a fact of life. Bestselling author and noted research psychiatrist, Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal, suggests that we learn from all experiences, both positive and negative. He believes that adversity can teacher us life’s most important lessons. Rosenthal delivers his message by drawing from his experiences and the lives of his patients and colleagues. He concludes with a take-away maxim on the lesson learned. I suggest reading THE GIFT OF ADVERSITY on a leather chaise lounge and you might save some money on therapy!
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
As a child I was described as shy but as an adult I prefer to call myself a high functioning introvert. QUIET is all about the power behind the people seen as observers, thinkers, and listeners. It's not about how to become an extrovert but rather, how to harness and encourage your creativity. Cain gives examples of contributions from Rosa Parks, Chopin, Dr. Seuss, Steve Wozniak, and many more public figures who shaped the world in their own introverted way. Did you know at least one-third of us are introverts? Too bad we tend to work better alone because if we banded together we could take over the world, but in our own quiet way of course!
I Am So The Boss of You By Kathy Buckworth
If you're looking for ways to get your family organized I can suggest I AM SO THE BOSS OF YOU by Kathy Buckworth. This book isn't necessarily found in the self-help section but it is a no-nonsense, give it to your straight guide with tips and tricks on how to run your family like a business. It's just the ticket if you're looking for some advice and a few laughs! To find out more on how Kathy gives moms the business check out this blog post.
I hope these books have given you some food for thought and if you plan to attend BlissDom Canada, do let me know in the comments below! I would love to hear your self-help book recommendations and learn about all the books your looking forward to reading!
Relish reading,
For more articles, tips, and tricks to help you get organized and make the most of your blog and business visit our BlissDom Canada 2014: How Do You Find Your Bliss? page.
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