The Toy Box


Raising Butterflies

A spring ritual that mirrors life itself

Have you ever watched a tiny caterpillar turn into a beautiful butterfly and fly away? 

It’s the most amazing miracle! And it is about to happen again and again this spring. Now your kids can watch this miracle take place right at home!

From our neighbourhood toy store in Vernon BC we ship thousands and thousands of tiny caterpillar larvae to schools, day cares and homes across the country early each spring.

In what seems like no time at all, these tiny larvae are transformed by Mother Nature in Painted Lady Butterflies, a beautiful orange and black butterfly that loves to live in your garden and is one of the most common butterflies in the world.

We put together kits of butterfly larvae consisting of everything your children need to raise their own larvae to be beautiful butterflies. The smallest kit we do is priced at $30 and has 8 to 10 larvae, instructions, feeding vial, food and a brush for moving the larvae. 

Each year I sit and marvel at the miracle as the little caterpillar takes about 10 days to grow into a huge fat caterpillar that is about 1 ½ inches long with a yellow stripe down its black body. It then works its way up to the highest place in its habitat and spins its chrysalis. Another 10 to 12 days and it starts to emerge from his chrysalis.

When the caterpillar is ready to emerge, a small amount of red fluid called meconium falls from the chrysalis. This fluid helps form body tissues and used in emergence from the chrysalis and to expand the wings. It is a struggle in itself to watch as the little caterpillar stretches his wings, lets them dry out and then flies off to find his friends.

Isn’t life just like that? Our children start out small and we watch as day by day they grow and transform and emerge as beautiful young adults, willing and ready to stretch their wings and leave their home and fly off to start the whole life cycle again. These little larvae have taught me so many lessons and I can’t wait to watch the whole process again this spring!  If you want to join us on this adventure feel free to call us at 1-866-545-3611 or email us at [email protected] and we will teach you about this incredible kit! This season’s kits must be ordered by April 15.

Lynella Henke and her husband have owned and operated Vernon Teach and Learn, a quality educational toy and teaching supply store in Vernon BC, for the past 21 years. Vernon Teach & Learn, a member of Neighbourhood Toy Stores of Canada (NETS) has more than 10,000 items online at You can reach Lynella at any time from anywhere at 1-866-545-3611.