Susie Moshenberg: The Prize Queen


Five Life Lessons on Self-love

All You Need is Love at the Spirituelle Diva Retreat

I recently attended my first ever women's retreat, organized by a group of women who call themselves The Spirituelle Divas. These ladies come together to support and empower one another. Their annual retreat took place at the The Nottawasaga Inn situated in a tranquil setting an hour north of Toronto, Ontario. The weekend consisted of women-led workshops that covered several topics all relating to self-love, as well as lots of yummy food, a bonfire, and nature walks. Our weekend came to a close as we stood in a large circle outside, took turns reading famous quotes about self-love, and ended with what I will refer to as a 'follow the leader' group hug!

Sounds great, right? It was, and here are five life lessons on self-love that I was reminded of, that I would love to share with you.

 Our children will grow up to treat themselves as we have treated ourselves. Self acceptance, self respect and therefore, self-love, is just as important to strive for, not only for ourselves, but for our children too!

 We, as women are not alone. There are workshops and groups, such as The Spirituelle Divas in most cities and towns who will welcome any woman with open arms, who could use some self-empowerment and friendship. And couldn't we all use a little support from time to time?

 The life long journey of self-acceptance and self-approval leads to healthier choices for ourselves and a happier you.

 Often our physical aches and pains are connected to our emotional health. When that is that case, there is so much out there beyond the traditional for us to tap into to help us find more balance in our lives. Reiki (Japanese technique for relaxation) Aromatherapy by way of Essential Oils, Nia (sensory-based movement created from martial arts, dance, and the healing arts), self-healing workshops, holistic healing, yoga, and the list goes on.

 Hey girls! Hire a financial advisor who will guide you on why and what you should invest in.

Loved the Nia movement workshop!

A few Spirituelle Diva Sistas

The Spirituelle Divas are proud supporters of and raised almost $1,000.00  for this organization during the retreat!

With lots of love,

Susie, your Prize Queen