Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Too Much TV

The Boob Tube Is Banned

You wanna know what I LOVE about kids?  Their ability to make you look like a complete ASSHAT without even trying.

I'm just going to put it out there that both my husband and I do a LOT with the kids.  And not all that Tiger Mom shit like homework and violin playing.  We actually spend time with them doing FUN THINGS.  This week alone I've taken them sledding, hubby went out with them after school on Tuesday to skate and just yesterday we went to a used record store that, for the record, I thought we were going to be murdered in, so Son No. 1 could start a record collection.

Not to mention the "just hanging out" stuff we do reading, coloring and building Lego.

Oh the Lego. 

Just a suggestion Lego people.....if you included a bottle of tylenol with every lego kit over 500 pieces, sales would sky rocket.

In reality, my kids don't watch much t.v. (Club Penguin, however, is another story).  If they've eaten, gotten dressed, brushed their teeth and put their breakfast dishes away, they're allowed to watch a 1/2 hour of t.v. before school.  And every night at 7:30, they have a plate of fruit and watch a cartoon.  So you can imagine how wonderful it was to be going through Son No. 2's school work and find this.

Clearly what happens in his day is that he does nothing but sit in front of the t.v. whilst at home.  Thankfully he gets that 1/2 hour at school where he can run around outside to get exercise and fresh air and rid himself of the dark circles under his eyes.  Or that are his eyes. 

Why is my child drawing himself to look like Batman?

And would it have killed him to draw a picture of me reading him a book?
