Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Same Sex Crushes

Who's Your Gus?

There’s this boy. For the sake of the story I’ll call him “Gus” since as far as I know there are no Gus’s in Son No. 1 and 2’s school.

It seems my boys are a bit infatuated with “Gus. Gus is cool, he wears hip clothes—not what’s trendy but his own put together style—and has sort of a skate/snow-boarding vibe about him. When Son No. 1 or Son No. 2 spots Gus they shout out to him and wave, trying to be the first to get the wave back. Gus comes up frequently in conversations.

Did you see what Gus wore today? I wonder where I can get that hat.
Did you know Gus plays such and such sport?
Gus talked to me during recess today.

My husband and I have been having a good laugh over the whole thing in a “this is cute” kind of way.

At least I was laughing up until a few weeks ago when I was talking, once again, about this woman I know. I was going on and on and on and finally my husband looked at me and said “You realize that ‘anonymous woman’ is your Gus.” And I was all “Dude, what are you even talking about?”

*Insert three second delay here*

And then I was all “Holy shit!  You’re right!”

I am ALWAYS talking about her and her awesomeness. She is totally my Gus.

And you know what? I’m okay with all of it. I’m okay with my boys liking Gus. I’m okay that I’m crushing on my own Gus.

Quite frankly, I think we should all have a Gus.

Who's your Gus?

p.s. In a million years I will never reveal my Gus, so don’t even bother asking. But guesses are always welcome.