Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Parenting Lessons I Have Learned

To My Son On His Birthday

Many years ago on a cold day just like today, I gave birth to my son.  A few days later still feeling like I had gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson, I took him home - shell-shocked -  not knowing the first thing about raising a child.  I remember looking down at this little being asleep in his car seat feeling overwhelmed with the responsibility I had been given.

Through the years I’ve watched him grow from helpless newborn to the unique young boy he is today.  His strength of character sometimes leaving me breathless, wishing I had more of his determination and self-confidence in me.

And as I watched him race around the house this morning following the clues that would lead to his birthday presents, a smile lighting up his sleepy face, I had a moment of perfect utmost clarity.

I still have no idea what the hell I’m doing.


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