Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


From Mummy To Mom

What Do Your Kids Call You?

Three weeks ago Son No. 1 announced he would no longer be calling me ‘Mummy’, I would be ‘Mom’ instead.

When I asked him why he told me it was because ‘Mummy’ sounded too babyish.

And from that day he has not faltered ONCE.

“Mom, guess what happened today?”
“Mom, can I have a snack?”
“Mom, can I go on the computer?”

Mom! Mom! Mom!  Now I know how Jan from The Brady Bunch feels.


I like Mummy.  I like how it sounds, I like how it rolls off the tongue, I like how it DOESN’T REMIND ME HE’S GROWING UP EVERY SINGLE TIME HE SAYS IT.

Stupid aging and getting more mature.

Son No. 2 told me he’s going to call me Mom, too.

I told him if he did, he was grounded.

They wanna play hardball?  Bring it.