
Introducing #YMC411

How Can I Help You?

Introducing #YMC411

#YMC411 I'm Here To Help

If you don’t already know, I’m the voice behind @YMCBuzz.

Eileen Fisher and I tag team on some Twitter stuff, but she's already quite busy being the brilliant person behindand doing a KICK ASS job runningour Facebook page, YouTube channel, and Pinterest page. So, for the most part, all the day-to-day conversations at @YMCBuzzthat's all me.

I love this job. I love chatting with moms, sharing relevant information, and just, you know, being social.

But mostly, I want it to be awesome for everyone who follows @YMCBuzz, so I thoughthow can I make it even better?

What you may not know about measide from the fact that I will always pick the slowest line at the checkout, my favourite wine is an oaky charddonay, and I have an encyclopedic knowledge of all the articles on YMCis that I am a most excellent researcher.

Starting today, I’m introducing the hashtag #YMC411 to make your lives easier.

Tweet me using the #YMC411 if you are looking for info on a topic and don’t have time to look for it yourself.

Tweet me at #YMC411 if you need a recipe.

Tweet me and use the #YMC411 hashtag if you just want to read something happy or that will make you laugh.

I may find relevant answers on YMC or I may find it somewhere else, but if it’s on the internet, I will do my best to find it for you.

And if I can’t, or it's going to take me a bit of time, I’ll let you know, because, dudes, I’m human.

So start tweeting #YMC411, because I'm @YMCBuzz and I’m here to help.

You don’t even have to buy me an oaky chardonnay to do it.


Six Truths About Life

Grocery Store Lineups, Smiling At Strangers, and Lego Pain

Six Truths About Life


If you smile at strangers 9 out of 10 will smile back. The 10th will give you a look that says “I think you’re a serial killer” and will avoid eye contact at all costs.

Head Tilt

The degree to which a person tilts his or her head when you’re describing something going on in your life is directly correlated to how f*cked up your life actually is.

Forgot to email your boss a report that was due two hours ago: Slight tilt = Meh, not a big deal

In a rush to get him the report, accidentally emailed your boss a naked picture of yourself: Midway tilt = thank god it wasn’t me but you’ll laugh about it in a few months.

Boss emails back that he wants to get it on: Ear almost touching shoulder accompanied by a slight face grimace = you’re f*cked.

Lego Pain

There is no greater pain in the world than stepping on a Lego piece barefoot. The chances of the Lego piece hitting the sensitive arch area is increased 100% if you are running at the time.

Write It Down

Always keep a notepad by your bed because inevitably you will wake up in the middle of the night with the greatest idea ever and be convinced that you will never forget this ground breaking concept. Don’t fool yourself. Write it down otherwise come morning all you’ll be left with is bedhead, a vague recollection of knowing you came up with something great and spit crust on the side of your face.

Grocery Stores

Your chances of being behind a person who is price matching increases exponentially depending on how late you are already running.

On Money Management

You will impulse buy a $50 sweater that's on sale but continue to use the $2.49 toothpaste until the last drop is squeezed out of the tube, even though you hate that particular flavour, because you don't want to waste money.