Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


A Valentine's Day Gift For Older Kids

Adopt An Animal Your Child Loves

A Valentine's Day Gift For Older Kids

Valentine’s Day is coming up and while cute cards and pink everything may cut it with the younger set, if you’re a parent of older kids, finding a gift that isn’t too cutesy can be a challenge.

I always like to give my boys a Valentine's Day gift with meaning that makes each of them feel special. But since they're both older, neither would wear a shirt like that out in public now. It's eerily similar to me attempting to hug them in public, it's against the rules.

Oh, and no candy or cookies or cake pops or whatever else Pinterest is trying to convince me to bake or create, because It's SO CUTE and Yes Even You Can Do It!

For the record, I can't. Plus they still have almost all of their Halloween stash, the last thing we need in this house is more sugar.

That’s why I thought this was the perfect giftI adopted each of them their favourite animal from WWF Canada. A few weeks ago in a conversation I asked what animal they would adopt if they could, because I’m sneaky like thatthey suspect nothing, only that their mother asks them ridiculous random questions. Thus, my older son is receiving a snowy owl and my younger son a panda bear.

This isn’t sponsored at all, I just thought it was a cool way to donate money and show your kids you love them by giving them an animal they love.

p.s. I’m actually taking a big risk posting this, because my older son sometimes reads my blog while he’s at school and thinks I don’t know.


p.p.p.s. Oh, and Happy Early Valentine’s Day! I love you!


Whether you embrace the romance of or refuse to partake in forced declarations of love, our Valentine’s Day page is filled with articles, crafts, activities, and food to fit your mood.