Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


The Ten Commandments For Back-To-School

This Is The Year I Get Stuff Done

Every year it’s the same thing. I promise myself when the kids are back in school I SHALL GET SO MUCH DONE! Seven hours to myself. If I can get everything done in the summer when they’re home I can practically take over the world with seven full hours a day, five days a week, no?

Uh, no.

Because about two weeks in I’m back to my old bad habits, sucked into surfing the internet (it's research!), emailing friends and the time suck that is known as BuzzFeed. But this year will be different. This year I will GET SHIT DONE. Because this year I have commandments.

The Ten Commandments For Back-To-School

1) Thou shall not get sucked into thy world of BuzzFeed.
2) Thou shall not get sucked into thy world of YouTube.
3) Thou shall not use thy Twitter until all work is done.
4) Every email does not have to be answered Right.This.Second.
5) Honor thy gym schedule because thou knows if thou puts it off until the evening it’s not going to happen.
6) Thou shall make lunches the night before and not race around the morning of.
7) Dude: Weekly meal plans — stick with it.
8) Thou shall dedicate one hour per day to housework so it doesn’t become a hoarder’s paradise that is overwhelming to clean.
9) Thou shall commit to finding a hobby I enjoy and stick with it.
10) Thou shall not waste all the time I wasted last year after making this list.