When I think of Spring Cleaning, I think I need to move the fridge and the stove and remove all the stuff that’s been collecting behind there (and probably growing) for the year. I think about cleaning inside and behind the washing machine and resealing tile grout. Okay, I don’t think about those things, but they’re on a lot of “Spring Cleaning” lists of things that I probably SHOULD do.
Instead, I think about food. As a Nutritionist, I’m programmed this way. But to me, this is a lot more fun and much better way to spend my Saturday.
I do not share this story very often, because I feel it’s a little scary for those thinking about having kids or about to give birth. Please know this is NOT the norm. I was (somehow) not traumatized by this and went on to have two more children despite what happened during the birth of my first.
And yes, I would do it all over again if I had to. But please don’t make me.
Sangria is one of those drinks that just screams “SUMMER!”.
I mean, sipping sangria under a blanket by the fire just doesn’t do it for me. Nope, sangria needs to be cold, in a big glass that is sweating from the heat of the sun and available in copious amounts. Am I right?
One month a year, my husband and I take stock of what is in our house and then pretty much get rid of it. Not everything, but a lot of stuff.
My husband is a minimalist. We don’t have picture frames on side tables or centerpieces in the dining room, and most surfaces are free of “stuff” unless it’s there for a purpose. I was never a messy person, but I certainly had “things” around my house… and then I met my husband and realized the happiness that comes from clearing your home of clutter.
Have you ever looked into your child’s eyes and seen fear? I mean REAL FEAR? The kind where their eyes bug out of their head and they can barely breathe because they are so intensely scared?
This is what happens when my daughter spots a mascot.
My kids have always been early risers. Since my oldest was born, seven (and a half) years ago, I’m pretty sure I haven’t slept in past 8:00AM.
No, no, that’s ridiculous.
I meant to say 7:00AM.
And it infuriated me. I mean….I was angry.
I have three kids. And because I’m a super smart lady (or as some would say CRAZY INSANE BANANAS), I had all of them less than three years apart. They are now aged 7, 6, and 4. I love them dearly, I promise.
I’m optimistic, positive, and happily let stuff just roll off my back.
I’m glad to be designed this way, because I really don’t like feeling stressed. But…as we all know, life happens. Stress happens. And we start to feel…overwhelmed.
It happens to everyone. And recently, it happened to me.
Zucchini bread is one of those classic recipes that everyone seems to know. Do you have an old recipe card from your Grandmother sitting around in your cupboard, coated with flour? Or maybe you know it by heart and can whip up a batch of bread when company comes, making your house smell amazing.
No matter where you know it from, zucchini bread is popular with everyone because it is delicious. Crunchy and crisp on the outside, moist, fluffy and flavourful on the inside, zucchini bread makes everyone happy. I do a little happy dance every time I make it.
Not only is it delicious, but kids like to eat it because the colour is so incredibly vibrant. I love to serve a rainbow of foods to my kids and this certainly pops right off the plate.
What makes it yellow? Well, in many different cultures, there are herbs and spices that can make rice yellow. It can also be turned yellow by chemical food colourings or powders added to the rice.
Even though I’m a nutritionist, I’m also HUMAN. Cravings hit me all the time! I do try to keep things on the healthier end…but sometimes…well, I fall off the healthy wagon…and directly into chocolate land.
When you get a craving in the afternoon-or the dreaded evening-once dinner is finished and all the kids are in bed, what do you reach for?
You’re heading up to the cottage on a beautiful summer day. After lunch, the car gets packed, and everyone is excited to hit the road! You’ve just gotten past the bottle-necked traffic and you’re cruising on the highway. Not a person in sight…ahhh, just breathe in that fresh air…
Suddenly, a little voice from the backseat says: “Mom…I don’t feel so good.”
Have you heard of a clothing swap? Because if you haven’t, this is going to change your life.
I recently attended my first swap and I have to say, it was life-changing. I caught up with old friends, made some new ones, and watched as old clothes became new again.
Bread pudding is one of those traditional desserts that can comfort your soul on the harshest of days. It's so simple, usually made of day-old bread, cream, eggs, sugar and butter. It is delicious. But my question is this: Dessert...or breakfast?
I mean, it's sweet, so I get that a lot of people would say dessert. But it also has eggs, bread, and milk...making this a potential breakfast dish! Oh the dilemma...
Arsenic in rice products is a concern not only for adults, but for babies as well. In this article published in the Globe and Mail, the facts are laid out: “There’s a growing body of evidence that even relatively low levels of exposure may have adverse health impacts on young children including on growth, immunity and neurodevelopment.”
Squash comes in many forms but typically, they are separated into winter and summer varieties. Winter includes favourites such as butternut, acorn, spaghetti, hubbard and kabocha…all delicious, full of vitamin C and fibre. They’re sweet and nutty, delicious, but not overpowering. The perfect way to add a hint of extra nutrition into foods you already love to eat.
But wait! Don’t forget about summer squash! This variety includes zucchini and pattypan among others. Not as easily pureed and hidden, but equally nutritious.