Sarah Remmer: The Non-Diet Dietitian


Smoked Gouda And Mushroom Bison Burger Recipe

Moist and delicious bison burgers that the whole family will love

I love using Bison (ground or otherwise), because it's flavourful, nutritious, and lean. It's nice to venture away from using beef every once in a while. In fact, we use ground bison a lot more often than beef, because we find it more flavourful. I often experiment when making bison burgers, to find the perfect way to add moisture and tenderness (because bison is leaner than most meats, it can turn out dry). After many attempts to make the "perfect" bison burger, I think I've come pretty close (in my husband's eyes, anyway).

What I love about Canadian bison is that it is raised without use of growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics, or chemical residues. Bison spend the majority of their life grazing on forage, and some producers finish their bison on grass while others finish on grains. The meat is packed full of nutrition, more specifically protein, iron, zinc, and the antioxidant selenium. Bison meat cooks quicker than beef, so it's important that you keep your grill at a lower temperature and cook for a bit longer. If you're cooking bison steaks or tenderloin, it's best served medium-rare or rare. You can find ground bison at most farmers markets, some major grocery stores (I get mine from co-op where the frozen meats are), or you can order online directly from farmers and suppliers. 

Smoked Gouda And Mushroom Bison Burgers:



0.5 kg (~500 g) lean ground bison 
3-4 large mushrooms, chopped finely  
1/2 cup smoked gouda cheese, grated
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tbsp Montreal Steak Spice
1.5 tbsp worcestershire sauce 
2 green onions, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1/3 cup panko bread crumbs

 Heat 2 tsp of olive oil in a heavy-bottomed pan, and saute mushrooms and green onions over medium heat. Once mushrooms are tender, add in minced garlic and saute for a minute or so. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly. 

 Combine raw ground bison meat, sauteed mixture, and all other ingredients in a large bowl with your clean hands. Form meat mixture into burgers and place on a clean platter. 

 Place burgers on a heated grill (you could grease with a high smoke-point oil first) and sear the first side for 2-3 minutes. Flip the burgers when small beads of red fluid appear on the surface, and sear the other side. Finish cooking on the 2nd side until meat is no longer pink inside (don't overcook though). 

 Take burgers off the grill and cover with tinfoil for a few minutes before serving. 

(Yields: 4-5 burgers)

If you are anything like me, this recipe appeals to you because it is quick, easy-to-make, and nutritious. Here are some tips on how to find short-cuts in the kitchen while still cooking nutritious and tasty meals for your family

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