10 Super Kitchen Hacks for Your Best Summer Living

Simplifying food and drink preparation indoors and out

by: Paula Roy

Summertime, and the living should be easy, right? Unfortunately there’s that small matter of providing nourishing food for kids and life-sustaining drinks for grownups. Here is a small collection of ideas designed to make your food and beverage preparation a little easier during the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. No need to thank me – just pass ‘em on and impress your friends and neighbours! 

Paula Roy readily admits that she’s obsessed with food. Typically, it’s the first thing she thinks of in the morning and the last of the day as well. She recognizes that not everyone shares her passion for cooking, so she channels much of her enthusiasm into creating family-friendly recipes that are easy to prepare and yield delicious results.

Although her husband and kids are eager taste testers, Paula knows she’ll eventually be paying for their therapy thanks to her constant cries of, “don’t touch that plate, I haven’t taken a photo yet!”

Paula loves to travel and explore whatever culinary treasures a destination has to offer. In addition to leading cooking classes and making frequent TV appearances, she’s also a busy freelance writer and serves as the food editor of popular style magazine Ottawa At Home. In addition to her contributions for YMC, you can also follow Paula’s edible adventures through her blog, Constantly Cooking, and keep up with her daily kitchen antics on Twitter and Instagram (@paulajroy).