Nicole MacPherson: Meatless Mummy Con Carne


The World Looks Bleak and Grim Without a Dyson Hair Dryer


Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer |

I was uncharacteristically offline for a while yesterday, and when I finally logged in, I discovered something incredible and life-altering.

You know how you don't realize that something's missing in your life until that something is right in front of you? That's how I feel about the new Dyson Supersonic hair dryer.

You guys, this is the biggest hair development in decades. It is supersonic. A supersonic hair dryer. Hair dryers have really not changed since we went from the bonnet style dryers that could only be used while seated to current hand-held models.  I mean, sure, in the Eighties hair dryer manufacturers added diffuser attachments to deal with all that permed hair, and at some point they added different heat levels and "cool blast" buttons, but in general, we've gone from rigid bonnets to use with our curlers, to semi-portable flexible bonnets, to hand-held dryers.

This is a step change, for sure. For someone like me who heat styles her hair every single day, the new technology that promises to prevent heat damage and to dry hair in a fraction of the time it takes with current dryers is life-changing. People, this is the Vitamix of hair dryers.

The only drawback is that, price-wise, the Dyson is also the Vitamix of hair dryers. My Scottish ancestors would be rolling in their grave if they knew I was considering a $400 hair dryer when my $20 one is still kicking around.

Of course, being a Dyson, I'm sure the dryer will last for years, if not decades. Personally my hair dryers tend to burn out after a couple of years of hard-core use, so that is something to consider in my cost-benefit analysis. Although, in the words of my beloved late grandma when my grandpa asked her if the low cost of homemade bread would offset the price of the bread maker she had just purchased, "Not in our lifetime, Clifford. Not in our lifetime."

It's true; unless I have a Yoda-like life expectancy and go through 80 hair dryers before I die, it's not going to financially pay off. Not in my lifetime, Clifford.

Oh, but the heart wants what the heart wants, doesn't it? Would it be a frivolous purchase? Of course it would be. But isn't everything that isn't a basic necessity a frivolous purchase? Blenders make smoothies just fine, but my Vitamix blends spinach, hemp, and frozen fruit into the perfect frothy blend in ninety seconds. Brooms work just fine, but my Roomba cleans under all the beds while I have a drink with my feet up, like a caricature of a 1950's dad home after a hard day at work. My $20 hair dryer works just fine, but just think of all the time saved and hair repairing products that would not have to be purchased if I had a Dyson!

Be right back, need to add "time saved" and "fewer reconstructing/ repairing hair products purchased" to my cost-benefit analysis.

Sigh. I think my Scottish ancestors are going to win on this one. For now. But I probably have enough time to save my pennies for the day that my current hair dryer goes to the grave. I won't be mourning it for long. 

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