Natalie Romero: Putting it Out There


BlissDom is Made for People like Me & YOU

Why Blissdom was good for my mental health

BlissDom Canada Conference

If you had met me five years ago, you would have met a very different individual than who you see today.

Five years ago I was expecting my second baby and I was struggling with some very serious symptoms of post-traumatic stress that were a result of my first child’s NICU stay. My first child was born with a congenital abnormality that resulted in surgery to save his life when he wasn’t even three days old and a lengthy stay in the NICU.

Every day I waged a war with the emotions and fears that were tearing me apart from the inside. I tried to hide it. I acted as if everything were perfectly normal and I struggled to keep the smile on my face every time I walked out the door. Putting on the pretense of normality was more for others; for those who were uncomfortable with my sadness.  

After my second baby was born I knew that I couldn’t continue living in the fog of anxiety that clouded my judgment and was becoming more and more of a struggle with each passing day. I had to admit that I was not coping well and had to find a way out.

Writing was my way out.

I started a blog. A small, not very well known blog.

With every post I wrote the weight lifted. My passion for writing was re-ignited and the words just poured out of me.

I began to immerse myself in the blogging world and soon I learned about BlissDom.

When I first heard about BlissDom, I immediately thought “I have to go” but I felt like a bit of an imposter.

I was an HR professional who dabbled in the blogging world. BlissDom wasn’t meant for people like me, or so I thought.

Buying a ticket was a last minute decision, in fact, it was the discount that was offered for YMC members that really pushed me.

It was the best decision I could have made.

It was the first time I ever referred to myself as a writer and over the course of the weekend I realized that I wanted to make something of this writing thing.

I met so many supportive people who were willing to offer me guidance and advice on how to pursue my dream of writing.  

I met so many bloggers, writers, editors, social media experts and friends who listened to my story, offered me support and more importantly believed in me.

I had been wrong. BlissDom was made for people like me.

BlissDom is made for people who are looking for support in finding who they are and following their path.

I learned methods to improve my writing, expand my reach and build a better blog.

Before I knew it my blog was reaching people all over the world. Mothers who were struggling with their own NICU experience. Mothers who were reaching out to me to thank me for putting to words what they had been trying to explain to others. I was making a difference.

Now, just two years after my very first BlissDom experience I am writing for YummyMummyClub. I have been published on Huffington Post. I am sending my pitches to magazines. I am working on my dream of writing a book. All things I would never have imagined possible.

Five years ago I was having night terrors and panic attacks and wasn’t able to even talk about my son’s NICU stay without crying.

BlissDom gave me the courage to write my way out of depression and to share my experiences with others.

BlissDom was a way to help me find where I was supposed to be and give me the positive encouragement to realize my dreams.

Not sure BlissDom is the place for you? Push yourself out of your comfort zone. You might find out BlissDom is exactly where you are supposed to be.


BlissDom Canada
Blissdom is happy to offer YMC readers a 20% discount on conference passes! Sign up for your Blissdom pass here -we hope to see you there!