Mummy Buzz


Duggars Share Pictures of Stillborn

Remembering Their 20th Child

The Duggar's are anything but a traditional family. The stars of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting not only have a brood in the double digits, but when mom Michelle tragically miscarried her 20th child, they held an unorthodox funeral service for the stillborn, posthumously named Jubilee Shalom.
According to, they handed out photos of their 20-week old dead baby. While it isn't uncommon for parents to photograph stillborns as part of a personal grieving process, it isn't typical to do so from a second trimester miscarriage, not to mention distributing the image at a funeral service and tweeting about it.
They are a big enough group. Couldn't they just hold a vigil with each other, in the comfort of their own home?

Do you think it was appropriate for them to make these photos public, where they will no doubt meld with all the other tabloid trash? How do you feel about seeing these photos? Do you think, as people used to living in the public eye, it follows that the Duggar's mourning must also be a very public act, complete with tweets, photos and a memorial service?