Mummy Buzz


Babies Banned on First-Class Flights

No More Tears

Picture it: You've splashed out on a first-class ticket on a far flung romantic getaway. Or you have a meeting first thing after a red-eye. The hefty price tag means more peace, more leg room (and more champers, too). Then a baby in the next row starts wailing.

When it comes to air travel, let's face it, we're all sitting ducks. We're all in cramped quarters together, and we do our best to get along. So where do individual rights come into play, if at all?

Isn't it the businessman's right to get a bit of shut-eye before the big meeting? And the honeymooners? What about the mom with the wailing infant? Doesn't she deserve a bit of pampering on a long haul to visit family overseas, assuming she can afford to pay the premium?

The bottom line: Malaysian Airlines doesn't think so. They are the first -- but probably not the last -- airline to implement a 'no babies' policy. (Apparently Virgin Atlantic and British Airways both toyed with the idea of going baby-free but ultimately opted against it.)

So if you are willing to fork out on one of their Boeing 747-400 flights, you can bet there won't be any of those pesky screaming, crying, or giggling infants seated next to you. Elitist travel just got more elitist. And discriminatory?