Mummy Buzz


734 Cosmetic Surgeries for Joan Rivers

More Plastic Than Plastic

That's right. Read it again: 734. That's the shocking number of cosmetic surgeries undergone by Joan Rivers. I hope she found a cozy place in the Guiness Book for that accolade.

The self-deprecating 78-year-old funnywoman recently underwent yet another procedure to "tune up" her neck, even though her her daughter Melissa warned that the operation might kill her.

During filming of the second series of her reality show Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best, Melissa tried to talk her mother out of the surgery, saying: "I don't want you to die."

True to form, Joan simply replied: "My body is a temple, and my temple needs redecorating."

Surprisingly, the self-professed vain comedienne allowed the cameras to film her sans make-up before the surgery. The devastation was evident, as close-ups revealed a Jacko-esque barely there nose and heavy handed manipulation of her lips and eyes.  Definitely must-watch footage for this mom

Joan seems to have the female version of Peter Pan syndrome. She even admitted to regretting not being taught sex tricks as a young woman. "It was all trial and error, and in my day, you didn't even talk about it, so it was really finding out by yourself."

Sad addiction or her prerogative? Would you consider getting a major 'job' done as a granny, or is it high time to embrace your face?
