Mummy Buzz


Selfie Teen Trolled by Her DAD

Most embarrassing. ever.

Dad duplicates teens selfies |

When it comes to embarrassing your teenager, Chris aka Burr Martin (no, not that Chris Martin) has just raised the bar incredibly high.

The Washington-based comedian and podcaster recreated his daughter's Snapchat selfies, to hilarious effect. Where his daughter Cassie aims for cute, Martin mostly just looks constipated and... something we can't quite put our finger on. 


My daughter posted another #selfie #nailedit #baddad

A photo posted by Burr Martin (@therealburrmartin) on

Points for his attention to detail, though. He's got it all down to a tee - from the fashions to the sultry pouts to the puppy-dog tilt, from the exposed beer gut down to the empty roll of toilet paper... No stone has been left unturned, no shred of dignity left intact. My personal favourite touch is his Sharpie-drawn tattoos and botched attempt at eyeliner.

Let's leave the makeup to her, shall we, Dad? 


Took me 3 days to get all the ink

A photo posted by Burr Martin (@therealburrmartin) on

"So my daughter has been posting sexy selfies of herself and instead of telling her to stop, well, I thought of something better," Martin wrote on Instagram.

No doubt about it, Martin is a bad-ass dad. I hope this father-daughter unit had a good giggle over the photos and a lot of fun with the attention. No word on if his daughter is speaking to him, but we imagine with a comedian as a dad, it's likely she's used to the humour. And at any rate, they'll have some fun images for the requisite wedding "the way we were" slideshow if she gets married one day. 

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