Mummy Buzz


This, Ladies, is How you Deal With Cellulite

Give it the Ashley Graham Treatment

What to Do About Cellulite |

What does a top model do when a photograph reveals her cellulite? Well, she could beg Google to pull that baby down post-haste, or pray that the Photoshopping gods work their magic and make it disappear.

Not Ashley Graham, though. The model was recently pictured bicycling and generally enjoying life. Her cellulite clearly on display in her summery dress. 

Did she freak out and throw her toys?

No, quite the opposite. She took the If You've Got It, Flaunt It approach.  

"A little cellulite never hurt nobody..." she posted on Instagram. "Stop judging yourself, embrace the things that society has called 'ugly.'"

And if Sports Illustrated models have cellulite, then we should all probably stop fighting the impossible fight right now and admit defeat. 

An estimated 85 percent of women over the age of 20 have dimply skin (typically on the butt and thighs). Though guys can get it too, cellulite tends to be a female affliction.

Cellulite is caused by age, as the skin naturally loses elasticity and the structure of the epidermis changes, causing the puckering effect. Though we may not like the look of cellulite, medically speaking, it's actually harmless.  

Which is good because there's no proven treatment. 

And if you're looking for someone to blame, look to your mother. Chances are, if she has it, you will too. 

Cellulite is hereditary, claims Dr. Adam Friedman, associate professor of dermatology at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences. 

Creams have limited efficacy, while injection and laser treatments may reduce the appearance of cellulite - but only for a limited time. And these treatments don't come without risks.

Interestingly, cellulite can affect people of all body types. Even though a diet high in antioxidants can help maintain the skin's elasticity, even thin, ludicrously fit people sometimes have cellulite. 

Vigorous massage and a good self-tanner can help hide the appearance of cellulite. But by far the best long-term solution to cellulite is the Ashley Graham Treatment - throw on your shorts, get outside and go enjoy your life. 

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