Mummy Buzz


Would You Pay Someone to Make Your Kids' Lunch?

Little brown bag fairy at your service

packing healthy school lunches

School lunches, how I loathe thee! Let me count the ways...

What if I told you that there was a way to get out of packing school lunches once and for all? There is, but there's a snag: you'll have to move to Boston.

Smart Lunches offers meal plans for the entire week or just a few select days. There's no minimum, and though there's a premium, how many of us would be willing to foot the bill just to get out of the lunchbox drudgery for a while?

Parents initially set out any food restrictions, allergies, likes and dislikes. The rest is up to the biz.

The menu changes daily, with "at least 50 entrees to cycle through," at a cost of around $6-7 apiece. And participating schools see 1-2 per cent of profits.

Founded by two moms in 2011, Smart Lunches knows how tedious lunch-making can be. And the idea is catching, with 200 schools signed up in several U.S. states.

For now the company only operates with private or independent schools, but hopes to eventually partner with public schools, too.

In fact, a similar program ran at my kid's last school. I won't lie. It wasn't a perfect arrangement. My son is/was a fussy eater, and sometimes even meals that were 'sure bets' came home uneaten because they tasted fractionally different than that to which he was accustomed.

And yet, even though we couldn't afford to take advantage every week, I can't tell you how giddy I was on the mornings I remembered that lunch was covered. Like a little brown bag fairy had answered my prayers!

These days, all I can do is look longingly at the school calendar and hold out for the next pizza day...

 RELATED: 8 Tips for Packing Healthy School Lunches