Mummy Buzz


Touching Portrait Captures Family As it Would Have Looked

"He is always watching over us"

A photographer has found a novel way to capture a family as it would have looked had tragedy not struck. 

When Sierra Sharry was eight months pregnant, her husband was involved in an accident that ultimately took his life. Two weeks later, she gave birth to a son, Taos.
When Taos was six months-old, Sharry longed to fill the empty space with her late husband, Lane Smith, in a family portrait. Photographer Kayli Henley was devastated by the story and with a bit of sensitive editing, she succeeded in capturing the family in a tender light. 

The emotional shot features Sharry and six-month-old Taos with a faint impression of Smith beside them. It's no wonder the image went viral.

“Lane’s not physically here with us, of course, but that picture represents to us that he is always watching over us, and he will always be there for us no matter what,” said Sharry in an interview.
The ghostly image that at first glance may seem morbid is an incredibly moving tribute that no doubt helps with the grieving process.
A reminder that even in death your loved ones don't simply get cut out of your life, but continue to exist just outside of the frame, in the periphery of every day.


Image Source: Kayli Rene Photography/Facebook