Mummy Buzz


Drew Carey Rallies Against Worst ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Awareness must start at home

Sick and tired of hearing about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? Drew Carey is, too, especially after he learned about a sick prank that was played on a teen in his native Cleveland.

The comedian vowed to contribute $10,000 to a police reward for information about the teens who convinced an Autistic boy to take part in the viral charity challenge. Typically a bucket of ice water is dumped over a person's head to raise funds for ALS—except in this case, the bucket contained a mix of urine, feces, and spit. Hysterical, right? 

Let's hope these bullies are outed free of charge, and that Carey will donate much-needed funds to an autism charity anyway. While medical research is invaluable—and not to discredit the amazing efforts of the Ice Bucket Challenge (which put charity and Lou Gehrig's on many people's radars)—so many developmental disorders remain shrouded in ignorance and intolerance.
Kids with autism often miss social cues and subtext. It sickens me that anyone would prey on someone so trusting and vulnerable. I can't fathom what kind of person could do this to another human being. Oh, wait, I can.

As a parent with a young boy with autism, this story terrifies me on so many levels. You do everything you can to support and help your child inch toward independence and happiness, but I can't protect him from other people's kids forever...
Awareness has to start at home—every home. It's every parent's job to teach their children tolerance and kindness.
Hats off to you, Drew Carey. This gesture is far more meaningful than seeing you tip a bucket over your head.