Mummy Buzz


What Parents Are Doing Wrong (According to British Nanny)

Read this if you don't want to raise self-entitled brats

What is it about British nannies and their no-nonsense approach to parenting that leaves the rest of us stammering and quaking in our boots? 

Apparently, these are the "greatest problems" parents make, according to formally trained British nanny, Emma Jenner (courtesy of the Huffington Post):

1. A fear of our children.
Jenner claims that in our desperation to avoid a meltdown at all costs, we inadvertently let our kids call the shots. "What are you afraid of, mum? Who is in charge here?" So little Sally wants a different sippy cup. Too bad, says Jenner. Let her have a tantrum.

2. A lowered bar.
Are you excusing bad behaviour on the pretence that 'kids will be kids'? Rubbish, says Jenner. Children need to be taught "proper manners, respect for elders, chores, generosity [and] self-control" before they can exercise those values. "Raise the bar," says Jenner, "and your child shall rise to the occasion."

3. We've lost the village.
Whatever happened to that village we all hear so much about? These days people are reluctant to step in and get involved if they see other people's children misbehaving. And if parents do witness someone giving their little angel what-for, you can bet they will throw their toys. Instead of judging the mom (inevitable), witnesses should be supportive, saying "'Hey, good work—I know setting limits is hard.'"

4. A reliance on shortcuts.
Jenner loves gizmos as much as the next person. Problem is, we tend to rely on them too heavily and too readily. Shortcuts, she says, can be "a slippery slope." Kids—and babies—will only learn patience if we force them to wait sometimes. 

5. Parents put their children's needs ahead of their own.
In Jenner's opinion, today's parents have subsumed their needs. Obviously evolution plays a part, but kids should learn the meaning of 'no' or even 'wait' on occasion, thereby allowing mom "to use the toilet in private or flick through a magazine for that matter."

Former host of TLC's 'Take Home Nanny' Jenner drops some harsh truths to parents. If we don't heed these five "grave parenting mistakes," she warns that our kids will wind up turning into nasty adults: 
"It won't be their fault—it will be ours," writes Jenner, who has no children of her own. "We never taught them any differently, we never expected any more of them. We never wanted them to feel any discomfort, and so when they inevitably do, they are woefully unprepared for it." 

What do you think of Jenner's advice? Spot on or simply callous?



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