Mummy Buzz


Marijuana Not More Dangerous Than Alcohol: Obama

Do you support President Obama's liberal approach to pot?

smoking pot

What my mayor is to crack cocaine, so US President Barack Obama is to marijuana. In an interview in the New Yorker, Obama denounced the dangers of the drug, which has recently been legalized in Colorado and Washington.

According to an article in the CBC, Obama admitted to smoking a lot of dope as a kid, which he downplayed as a "bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life." He went on to conclude that he doesn't regard marijuana as "more dangerous than alcohol." 

Though it may sound strange coming from a healthy powerhouse, Obama's admission is a non-hypocritical breath of fresh air, compared to *ahem* the many deniers and naysayers before him. Like many celebrities it seems, I'm definitely Team Obama.

Obama was, however, quick to point out that pot is "a bad idea, a waste of time," and not something he would recommend to his own daughters. 

Essentially, he wants to minimize the use of the US judicial resources on marijuana users "[when people writing drug laws] have probably done the same thing."

Do you support Obama's liberal approach to pot, or do you believe legalization will only cause more problems for society in the long run?