Maureen Turner: We Are Family


How Do You Say...Siobhan?

It's Not Sye-O-Bon

Choosing a baby name can sometimes be a difficult task, and it took a long time for me to saddle our baby with the name Siobhan Annalise Rasmussen. I say “I” saddled her with that name because ultimately it was my decision. Tom told me to choose. I knew that Siobhan was his favourite name so, after much deliberation, that’s what I (we) went with.

Why so much deliberation? Do you know how to say Siobhan Annalise Rasmussen? Like Rasmussen wasn’t bad enough, perhaps we should have gone with Ann?

I got many messages after she was born asking how you say her name, and I guess I knew she would be correcting people all her life. Every year, that first day of school, while attendance is being taken, she will be waiting to see how badly the teacher will butcher her name.

I got to experience how she will feel yesterday. I had to take her to the emergency room (long story short, I thought she ate something toxic. She’s fine). So, there I sat, in the waiting room of the hospital, wondering if I would recognize my daughter’s name when they attempted to say it.

So-ban Rasputen, that’s who they called. I stood up, and took Siobhan into the room. Where I made sure to say her name, and the nurse said “How do you say her name?” So I told her.

I laughed about it when I told Tom, but I wonder how funny Siobhan will find it. So, I thought maybe I could start the ball rolling for all the Siobhans (Shivawn), Niamhs (Neeve) and Roisins (Rosheen).

Maybe if I explain gaelic spelling to you, and you tell 2 friends, and they tell 2 friends (it worked for Faberge).

So, the basics... mh = v, bh = v... okay, I can’t teach, but there is a website that can. Check it out.

Siobhan thanks you.
