Maureen Turner: We Are Family


Balancing Act

Life Can't Be Measured Equally On A Scale

Balance... it’s the new buzz word. It makes the best of moms cringe.

If you look up the word balance there are several definitions, and I think the reason moms get so crazy about work/life balance is because when we are trying to achieve that kind of balance, we think of this definition: Equal distribution of weight.

In our minds, we see a scale teetering, and we are trying to place an equal amount of family on one side and an equal amount of us on the other.

This sort of balance is nearly impossible, and so we feel we have failed.

I would like to propose that, instead, we choose to think of this definition: A state of equilibrium.

Instead of a scale, imagine yourself walking a balance beam, carefully choosing your next step and trying to get from point A to point B. Should you fall, here and there, just get back up and keep on going.

The judges, they may dock a few points, but the good news is, it’s not a competition.