
Saving Frosty: Keep Your Snowman Alive FOREVER!

Save part of the snowman magic

Saving Frosty: Keep Your Snowman Alive FOREVER!

If you search through my freezer, you'll find a bag of berries, a box of fish sticks, a 3/4 full tray of ice, something red in a Tupperware container (chili or maybe spaghetti sauce?), several ice packs, and a frozen heart. 

Before you call the authorities, I'm not a serial killer. 

Building a snowman is a Canadian winter right of passage. Small, tall, crooked, toqued, or topped with a sombrerohe's special, because you created him. It's all very Frankenstein meets god, meets Rodin. And when your snowman starts to melt away, it's bittersweet. It means the temperature is rising and spring is on its way, but you will have to say goodbye to a friend. 

Unless, you reach in and pull out its heart. 

This is not as sadistic as it sounds. 

When Frosty (or Frostina, as was the case for us this year) begins to melt, we save one small ball of snow from which our friend was made. Safely preserved in our freezer, we use it as the base for the thoracic third of our next snowperson. 

So, though Frosty will certainly melt away as spring approaches, he's never really gone. 

Speaking of snowballs . . . 

Here's something else that's fun to do with snow: Polka Dot Snow.