Kelly Flannigan Bos: The Relationship Rescuer


The Vagina Dialogue

Is there shock value in using the word vagina? Why?

Four girls walk into a bar: two Brits, an American and a Canadian.

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Five Movie-Inspired Movie-less Dates

Close Encounters of the Couple Kind

couple walking in woods

Relationships take work and they need to be invested in. We often fail to make our relationship a priority when faced with the many aspects of parenting along with limited energy and resources. It occurs to me that although my husband and I have tons of fun in the passing moments, great snippets of conversation while multi tasking, and brief gestures of romance—like an extended hug with a little one pushing in between us—we find it hard to set aside time to properly touch base and share with one another.

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too tired to sleep

You lie there restless. You can't turn off your thoughts. You could be forty or you could be four. Most of us have been in that frustrating, wide awake, lying in bed moment. What do you do when you just can't sleep? Sleep Expert Alanna McGinn and Psychotherapist Kelly Bos tackle sleep at its most elusive.

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too tired for sex

The scene is set, a brunch, four fabulous women, witty banter, peels of laughter, and lets even make it a good hair day for all. The wardrobe, slightly less glam and has a tad more spit up down the front. The dialogue...

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New To The House of YMC

The Inaugural Undressed Address

I'm not a huge fan of talking about myself in my writing, and that's thanks to years of practice at keeping much of myself out of the room during my clients' therapy sessions. So some of my posts won't have any of me in them at all, but some will, and that prospect excites me a little. So to start, a little about me. Like most therapists, I started out with beholding some decent listening ears. This led to years of good talks and friendships and a belief that I could help others.

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