Kelly Flannigan Bos: The Relationship Rescuer


Do You Pause When Someone Asks: Are You Happily Married?

Is being happy taboo?

I was hanging out with some friends one night and the question was raised... Are you happily married? It was a real question for a real conversation. And so I answered, but there was this pause. I knew a little about the group I was in and a bit about their relationships, and I decided I was in a safe place to answer, and so I did. I told the truth, and the truth was, yes. I added that lately due to some stressful times, we have been a bit hard on each other, but yes we were happy.

It got me thinking about my thinking.

Why the mental pause? I knew the answer. Why did I assess whether I could simply say yes? Why did I add a bit more?

In this case, I felt comfortable with both. However, this direct question on my personal happiness had a feeling like it could be a loaded question in a less familiar situation. It is different then “are you enjoying the training at your work?” It is asking for an assessment on my view of my life, my marriage and even on my spouse. Or at least that is how it can feel.

What does this question conjure up for you? Does it make you feel sad, happy, guilty, unsure, angry? So many feelings can come that unless you know the answer when you are asking, it is almost taboo to ask. What does the question mean? Who is asking? Why? And then how much do you say? Do people want a fine? Does it matter what they want?

I think it would feel the same to be asked if I was happy. I think so many great mom bonds are formed with a fair bit of self-deprecation. An attempt to keep it real, to bond on the challenges of being a parent. It is hard to say “happy” without a little comic relief added in on the downsides or a little marital trash talk.

I have an long term friend who was not happy in her relationship, recently some of us discovered that we found ourselves talking a little less positively about our own relationships in her presence. We almost looked for examples to share in support of our friend. The support is great, but at what cost. Were we risking taking a negative lens to our relationship and therefore feeling negatively? And was it really support? Does misery really love company?

When looking quite consciously about the topic, I think more of us should own happy when we can. Own it if we like our jobs, that we are enjoying our kids, that our mother in law rocks, and say that we are happy in our relationships. I think we need the good news in our friendship circles and also in our identities. Sad, mad, disastrous will come without us having to look for it or manufacture it.

Happy? Absolutely. Thanks for asking!

I also provide free relationship tips and articles on my Facebook page and on my website. You can also follow me on Twitter and join the conversation about healthy living and healthy relationships.

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