Keeping 'Em Out of Trouble


10 Tips to Improve Story Time with Your Children

Make it memorable

 Children and adults really do love story time. Such a perfect opportunity for cuddles and letting our imaginations go with a terrific tale. momstown works very closely with Scholastic Canada and hosts regular Tales for Tots literacy programs in each of our chapters which includes popular story time.Four

Books Every Child Should Have On Their Shelves

Isn’t it odd that research is showing that kids are losing their joy of reading as they get older? Did you know that children who love books tend to develop good literacy skills and have more success in school?

Getting kids attention when reading can be so hit and miss and but these tips will help improve their attention and interest which is key to inspiring better readers right from the start.

1. Choose a time when they are ready to read (i.e.: when they are calm/comfortable)

Bedtime is ideal due to the quiet calm time period, but some kids are too tired to listen properly. I’ve always found if there’s a big kid is awake during a younger siblings' naptime—this is an ideal story time.

2. Choose materials kids are interested in

My house went through a huge dump truck phase and I had a tough time finding construction theme books—but that’s all my hard hat yielding toddler wanted to read about. I learned every name for every truck during that phase.

Does Your Toddler Have An Addiction Like This?

3. Turn off the TV while reading

Logical, no?

4. Ask questions throughout the reading (“how do you think Franklin is feeling?”)

Important and not something that comes naturally to all parents, especially when we’re rushing through a book. Early educators suggest this method encourages comprehension and creativity.

5. Change the sound of your voice for different characters (everyone LOVES silly voices)

Come on—you can do this!  Make it more fun for everyone!

6. Relate the story to your child’s experiences

New baby in the family? Pick up a Big Brother book. Books make fabulous gifts for marking new experiences like first day of school, a seasonal holiday or even a trip to the doctor.

7. Praise your child’s interest in books

Pats on the back are always nice yet rather uncommon with reading—encourage your child to read everything in front of them—cereal boxes, storybooks, road signs, you name it!

8. Stop reading when they appear restless or push the book away

Forcing the issue won’t make a positive out of a negative. Allow your child to decide when he’s done. During a circle time however, encourage your child to stay for the book. Sometimes seating a young child on your lap and bouncing gently during the story can help active children grasp attention better.

9. Encourage your child to draw pictures to tell their own stories

Creative arts is part of literacy and drawing a story is a great skill to develop.

10. Talk about the story and answer any questions they have

Sharing ideas about the story can happen right away or even the next day in a relaxed setting. The more positive interaction parents can bring to the story the better.

This blog was written by momstown Hamilton chapter owner Andrea, mom of two story time lovers.

Want to inspire a love of reading in your children?

Check out some great ideas and more stories by moms on our Get Kids Reading page.

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